Shoulds, Musts & Coulds
How many times a day do you hear others use the words “should”, “must” and “could" or "ought”? What about catching yourself using them out loud or internally with the internal noise dialog created within? I wonder about the worries we create ourselves using such words. What if the “shoulds” were replaced with “what if”, the “musts” with “perhaps” and the “coulds” with “maybe”, how would simple replacing change our moods, stress and thinking patterns?
I caught myself this morning, beginning my morning with, “I should go to the gym” and then swiftly change it to, “I could go to the gym”. After all, I am really the only one who cares if I go or not.
Ponder how the shift of words changes outcomes and trigger various types of feelings.
- “I think your major asset is your relentless desire to learn – you are so naturally inquisitive – skills of a good coach – your approach is very infectious.”Mike Smith
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