A short and easy read, this book, the WOW! Workplace, really shares the importance of employee recognition. It is the linchpin in my opinion for not only attracting but retaining individuals. All too often, with the various changes that organizations face, it always amazes me that organizations’ leaders opt to not set aside a budget for informal and formal recognition. They will spend loads of money to attract and recruit, but once they have the new recruits, energy seems to dissipate.  It seems too simple, yet it is hardly done, ask yourself how often in the last week, month or say quarter have you been inspired or received a moral boost due to informal recognition? Looking back, have you ever left a job because you felt you were underappreciated? As I read this book, all kinds of ideas began coming to surface for various recognition toolboxes to recommend to organizations. We all know that times and demographics in the workplace have changed. How have you adjusted your practices to align with the necessary blend which is encompassing our current and future? What recognition practices do you currently have in place to not only address the baby boomer’s expectations, but the Gen X and Gen Y or Millennials? As the author points out, such systems must be sustainable, so as you begin to ponder and be creative for innovation solutions, ensure with the creativity that it is relatively simple and real for sustainability. The author also shares great tips on how to boost retention through recognition and linkage between not only retention but impact on performance due to recognition.  There were key links to motivation and stretching assignments, coaching as well as learning & development. There were great tips on how to enhance productivity via recognition. As I read this book, a dear friend came to mind. Recently she shared with me on not only one but two occasions where she has received special praise and formal recognition for her ideas and implementation with creative solutions. The bottom line is that she shared that her previous employer failed to recognize her energy, ideas and successful solutions. This lack of recognition translated into reduced motivation and appreciation and thus she resigned and now is much happier. This was a great and easy read!  I highly recommend it to any HR professional, manager and leader who have a team they are passionate about to ensure they play their part to increase the organization’s performance.  As the author, Mike Byam points out, “The most effective way to motivate employees, improve performance and, as a result, increase any organization’s bottom line is to become skilled at using enhanced employee recognition”. Book available on Amazon. 

One Response to the WOW!Workplace ~ Employee Recognition is Critical!

  1. i just saw your comment this is really important to me

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