About Me
- “The questionnaires and one-to-one coaching sessions Angie provides have enabled me to realise what it is I want to achieve, where my strengths lie, where my blind spots are and what I can do to start making a difference She’s also not afraid of being direct when the situation warrants it! In short, I am very happy I started this process and have already seen the benefits.”Howard Houlston
Director of Montague Technology Ltd.
Books/Reading career Career path Coach Coaching Collaboration Compassion Compensation conflict Cover Letter Emotion Intelligence Empathy engagement exit interview Grads happiness How HR Consulting Interviewing job Leadership Learn Learning Learning & Development market salary surveys MBTI Mentoring Motivation Noise Performance Preferences Reading Resiliency Resume Resumes & Interviews Retention self-awareness Situational leadership Strengths success talent acquisition Teach Transferable skills Type work