As we sat boarded for our flight not long ago, while we were waiting for passengers to board, the gentleman who sat in front of us was on his cell phone having a very serious heated conversation. Not intentionally eavesdropping, I could hear sentences such as, “Because you don’t do your job well” “You don’t […]
Continue Reading →My day started with a quick pop to the shower, when all of a sudden, I hear the fire alarm warning with the automated voice instructing everyone to please vacate the room and hotel via the designated exit. Oh my goodness I thought to myself, can this timing be any worse. I quickly grab a […]
Continue Reading →Today on my lake walk, I spotted a person cleaning his patio deck; the movement of his arms captured my attention. As I approached, I could see he lived on the second level. As I got closer, I could see all the debris and leaves fall from his deck with every sweeping movement and fall […]
Continue Reading →I headed out for a slow jog this morning, what I frequently refer to as a “slog” to describe my slow @#* jog. I always enjoy taking in nature’s art around me, and I look for moments of human inspiration during my trail outings. Today, I was inspired by a father who was cycling on […]
Continue Reading →People often ask me how can they can highlight and leverage their transferable skills when it comes to considering a new career goal or change. First, identify if your interest is a straight line, lateral or a career jump. Next, I always recommend reviewing and capturing the current key skills (competencies) aligned with the career […]
Continue Reading →Periodically I get asked why I switched from a focus of marketing and business to human resources. When asked this question, it makes me reflect on goals, happiness, adjusting and iterating. In my early career, I frequently heard, “You are a natural sales person.” Oftentimes, I would be recognized as the monthly and/or quarterly sales […]
Continue Reading →As a year enveloped and a new emerged, emergent change is top of the mind as well as future adventures. Personally and professionally, I am constantly curious about change and talent. We have likely all experienced how small differences in conditions yield different outcomes, or experienced how the present is linked to the future, but the […]
Continue Reading →- “It has been a true pleasure and enlightening experience for me to have had the opportunity to work with Mrs. Cartwright, and I would not hesitate to endorse her accomplishments & abilities. She would be a definite asset to any organization.”Carol Bartoschek, RDH, CHPD,
Europe Regional Dental Command Health Promotion Director
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