
Book Title & Author(s)

Business Strategy/Leadership & Management

In Search of Excellence Tom Peters
Thriving in Chaos Tom Peters
Liberation Management Tom Peters
The Goal Eliyahu Goldratt
Good to Great Jim Collins
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey
The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge
First, Break all the Rules Marcus Buckingham
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader John Maxwell
Good to Great Jim Collins
Freakenomics Stephen Levitt
Strategic Thinking Wooten & Horne
Crucial Conversations Patterson & McMillian
How to be a True Business Partner Nigel Harrison
Leadership & the New Science Margaret Wheatley
Complex Adaptive Leadership Nick Obolensky
The Corporate University Mark Allen
The Leadership Challenge James Kouzes & Barry Posner
A Sense of Urgency John Kotter
Running Training like a Business David Van Adelsberg & Edward Trolley
Change Focused Leadership John Hanes
How Dov Seidman

Human Relations Management/HR/Communications

Monday Morning Leadership David Cottrell
Monday Morning Mentoring David Cottrell
Discipline without Punishment Dick Grote
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace George Henderson
Working with Difficult People Muriel Solomon
Working with Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman
When Cultures Collide Richard Lewis
Organization Development/Behavioral Science Wendell French
The Dance of Anger Harriet Goldhor
The Managed Heart Arlie Hochschild
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Daniel Goleman
NLP at Work Sue Knight
Grad Expectations Rob Cross
Social Intelligence Daniel Goleman
The Wow Workplace Mike Byam
1001 Ways to Reward Employees Bob Nelson
Go Put Your Strengths to Work Marcus Buckingham
Mind Map Book Tony Buzan
The Happiness Advantage Shawn Achor
The Upside of Irrationality Dani Ariely


Total Customer Service William H. Davidow, Bro Uttal