Today on my lake walk, I spotted a person cleaning his patio deck; the movement of his arms captured my attention. As I approached, I could see he lived on the second level. As I got closer, I could see all the debris and leaves fall from his deck with every sweeping movement and fall […]
Continue Reading →Periodically I get asked why I switched from a focus of marketing and business to human resources. When asked this question, it makes me reflect on goals, happiness, adjusting and iterating. In my early career, I frequently heard, “You are a natural sales person.” Oftentimes, I would be recognized as the monthly and/or quarterly sales […]
Continue Reading →On the group bike ride, I had plenty of opportunity to capture the various thoughts surfacing during the numerous occasions where I was thrown off equilibrium by the 10-15 mph winds and various gusts. On top of my mind was the topic of change. The various words associated with change. Change is an imperative and […]
Continue Reading →- “Angie has brought energy, enthusiasm and a passion for Learning & Development to our community. She brings new ideas, “out of the box” thinking as well as sharing relevant L&D information and knowledge, such as news articles, white papers etc. Angie takes a “sleeves up” approach and happy to chase through ideas and actions to an outcome. Angie is one of the best L&D partners I have worked with over my time, she understands her subject, she is passionate about her role, and she is inspiring.”Bruce Cornford
Competence Centre Lead
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