I had the opportunity to have dinner with two great people the other night, Jack Cartwright and Emmanuel Toutain. As I listened carefully to them discuss their passions, motivators and goals, their similarities came to mind. Both have an MBA; one from McCombs and the other from Wharton Business School. Another striking parallel was their […]
Continue Reading →I was raised to share; perhaps this is primarily due to having a twin sister. It is no wonder such phrases as, “Your candle loses nothing when it lights another” are easy for me to remember, and a favorite I oftentimes quote when coaching others to inspire and help another reach his or her potential. […]
Continue Reading →I am someone who is incredibly interested in human behavior and psychology as it relates to individual, team and organizational performance and potential. The book, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work really captured my attention. I found myself highlighting, folding page corners, and making notes […]
Continue Reading →How many times have you seen companies go on about jobs and careers on their websites? A friend of mine made a reference to his job earlier this week, and I started thinking. Now mind you, this is a very talented individual who strives for success and regularly receives recruiting calls due to his particular […]
Continue Reading →With the 2011 year quickly coming to an end, I thought I’d reflect about reflection. Reflection with a specific intention to build personal insights. Let’s start off by considering goals. Specifically, consider which goals you created during the 2011 year. As you reflect back on these goals, assess their outcomes. If you accomplished your goals […]
Continue Reading →“Her support has enabled our startup to avoid costly mistakes and make the best decisions.”
Job descriptions Recruiting Interviewing Orientation Policy […]
Continue Reading →We have all experienced it to some degree, perhaps directly, advised or supported another with handling and responding to conflict in the workplace. Conflict can occur simply out of differences of opinion, disagreements as well as preference differences with personalities. If individuals are not able to agree to disagree, see things from other perspectives, and […]
Continue Reading →- “Angie proves a constant ball of energy and her enthusiasm is completely infectious. I continue to be astounded at her subject matter expertise in the L&D area and her contributions have been positively superb.”David Linton
Talent & Leadership Manager
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