Quantum Leap vs. Box Jump

On April 12, 2015 By

Oftentimes while at the gym, I watch others complete their box jump sets and tell myself one day I am going to give it a go. They look fun and most importantly, I know the benefits of plyometrics; however, something has kept me from incorporating them into my workout routines. On this particular day, I […]

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Shifting Winds

On April 14, 2014 By

On the group bike ride, I had plenty of opportunity to capture the various thoughts surfacing during the numerous occasions where I was thrown off equilibrium by the 10-15 mph winds and various gusts. On top of my mind was the topic of change.  The various words associated with change. Change is an imperative and […]

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I am someone who is incredibly interested in human behavior and psychology as it relates to individual,  team and organizational performance and potential.  The book, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work really captured my attention.  I found myself highlighting, folding page corners, and making notes […]

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On June 24, 2011 By

I am sitting here sipping my coffee and reflecting back on my morning jog. Jogging is not strength of mine. I am thinking of where I began a few months back, and where I am today with jogging.  I have difficulty finding comfort, mental comfort more than anything during the activity. Of course I have […]

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This book was fantastic! It is not a light read so be patient and take your time! Below are my key take aways from the book- things which captured my curiosity. I hope you find one phrase that creates curiosity, or it pushes your thinking in a new dimension. The author studies process structures and […]

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Shoulds, Musts & Coulds

On September 18, 2010 By

How many times a day do you hear others use the words “should”, “must” and “could” or “ought”? What about catching yourself using them out loud or internally with the internal noise dialog created within? I wonder about the worries we create ourselves using such words. What if the “shoulds” were replaced with “what if”, […]

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