The Quick Interviewer's & Interviewee's Guide
Preparation Tool for the Potential Behavioral Interview
PREPARING for interviews is critical! Only $20.00
In a behavioral interview, there is awareness of the skills which are required for a role, so the interviewer will ask questions to find out if the candidate has those particular skills. Instead of asking how you would behave, behavior interviews are to seek out how you did behave.
This tool is to help you prepare for a behavioral interview, so that you are able to demonstrate your skills, knowledge and abilities by giving examples from your past experiences. The questions are to help you prep and think though your stories to be able to talk about the event(s), who was involved, situation, and what you did to make an impact and the outcome.
Support available with specific skill competency based interview questions if needed.
This is a great simple Excel based tool with over 150 questions!
Guide prepared for:
- Students
- Young Professionals
- Career Changers
- HR Professionals
- Managers
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