This book was fantastic! It was such an enjoyable book and I couldn’t put it down once I began because I was so curious about some of the outcomes with the characters. The author brought to the forefront all of the essential struggles all graduates face when graduating and entering into the work force. In […]

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Appreciative Inquiry

On September 23, 2010 By

What thoughts surface as you ponder AI and coaching? Essentially, AI is about the search for the best in people, organizations, and the relevant world around us and that all is a part of a living system. There is a belief that every living system had vast untapped capabilities & potential. If AI involves the […]

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Shoulds, Musts & Coulds

On September 18, 2010 By

How many times a day do you hear others use the words “should”, “must” and “could” or “ought”? What about catching yourself using them out loud or internally with the internal noise dialog created within? I wonder about the worries we create ourselves using such words. What if the “shoulds” were replaced with “what if”, […]

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On August 23, 2010 By


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What motivational forces and factors or theorists come to mind when you think of anyone interested in a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride followed by a 26.2 marathon? Are there any Ironman triathletes in the University of Texas, or UT alumni who are keen to tap into learning’s from a seasoned triathlete? […]

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