We have all experienced it to some degree, perhaps directly, advised or supported another with handling and responding to conflict in the workplace. Conflict can occur simply out of differences of opinion, disagreements as well as preference differences with personalities. If individuals are not able to agree to disagree, see things from other perspectives, and […]
Continue Reading →Today while working out, I started to think heavily about the word “differentiation” and its meaning. This occurred due to reflection of a recent conversation with a few HR professionals about reducing conflict through enhancing awareness, tolerance and appreciation for differences in the workplace. Sweeping generalizations- what comes to your mind when you think of […]
Continue Reading →- “Angie has brought energy, enthusiasm and a passion for Learning & Development to our community. She brings new ideas, “out of the box” thinking as well as sharing relevant L&D information and knowledge, such as news articles, white papers etc. Angie takes a “sleeves up” approach and happy to chase through ideas and actions to an outcome. Angie is one of the best L&D partners I have worked with over my time, she understands her subject, she is passionate about her role, and she is inspiring.”Bruce Cornford
Competence Centre Lead
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