Change Management
I recently read the article in the S&B magazine called, “Making Change Happen, and Making it Stick”. What a great article!
The authors lay out the key differences between success and failures, as well as share five key success factors. As an HR professional and consultant, I found the information provided to be a great toolkit and reference checklist. Plus, it is really good for consideration when working with clients who are exploring personal change. Reflecting back, I can see where gaps occurred in past change initiatives I was indirectly involved with or impacted by, where by one if not more than one of the critical success factors were missing.
Here are my initial thoughts when I think of change management after reading the article (make take on a wordle):
Some questions for you as you read this and the article are:- What additional words would you add to the above wordle?
- What are your reactions when you hear the word “change”? Ponder the positive as well as negative ones.
- In your opinion what is change management?
- Do you believe these success factors mentioned in the article are the ones which can make change happen?
- Do you have a specific change model preference or theory?
- “I think your major asset is your relentless desire to learn – you are so naturally inquisitive – skills of a good coach – your approach is very infectious.”Mike Smith
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